How to Get Results Through Nature

It's interesting medical times here in the U.K. With programmes on TV exploring the breakthrough medical treatment of diabetes and fat fighting, the speed with which these findings are revealed at the moment is a little overwhelming. But brilliantly progressive too. For someone who has battled, in my 20s, Endometriosis and won, I can't help but think that a little more time and effort spent with women's health specifically, on the TV would be helpful. However we all have hormones and balancing the endocrine system and consequentially the hormones can be difficult for both men and women. Regular Yoga has shown to have brilliant benefits. Because it's pretty difficult to overwork doing Yoga. You can get in touch with aches and pains, tightness and fitness levels - then work on a routine that works for you, not the other way around. I'd also (on this centenary day of the Vote for Women) like to put in a word for the common Yam. Not so common it's varietie...