Sports Gear For All Weather

In this baking weather it's useful to give yourself a choice of what to wear in the Yoga studio. Classical Yogis might say layering is good. But it really depends on what style of yoga you do. I've done some Bikram yoga where I wished someone had invented a new kind of yoga foot wear. That sweaty feel on a grubby yoga mat is not really optimal. So having multiples on hand is better. Take the standard yoga pant: cotton, loose, lycra tight, it's all good. Breath, Relax, 30 degrees is absolutely unusual (although neighbours keep mentioning the 'great summer of '76) Ha! Wowie, throw the ice in the freezer, I say and place your legs up the wall in Viparita Karani you'll like the benefits as a gentle hamstring stretch and a good recovery asana. ' Heat makes things I don't have a weight problem...I'm just hot'