Happy New Year 2020 🗺

As the pics. come in thick and fast on my social medias today. From friends, from family over in Australia and New Zealand I think about this Yoga Blog and how on earth it can reflect such mayhem. It can't sorry, there are thankfully limits to any vocation, any hobby, any sports. So...or SOS... as we say in Kiwiland (pun intended, can't get the image out of my head, of all that wildlife decimated) I've posted a captured creature on my windowpain for you, instead. This little Bee is warming itself from the rainy weather Australia desperately needs right now. Try Bhramari Pranayama as part of your relaxation segment in your yoga classes this week. It's such a nice, gentle buzzy feeling. It's most obvious effects are that it's excellent for bringing up the mood, warming the vocal chords, making your friends laugh and clearing the senses. It's claimed also to : Dissipate anger, Lower Blood Pressure, Bolster the health of the throat, Strengthen and impro...