A tell-tale sign the world needs a soothing hug right now is because of these multiple micro-aggressions. For Ukraine and Russia that translates as war, not exactly micro. For the rest of the globe a multitude of pointless distracting 'fuzz'. Excuse the expression...hm, I'll try another: fluff, dust bunnies, wind, hot air, bla-bla-bla, idle talk. 

Sometimes you must put the hate away, get away from it and that sometimes means migration. Having to migrate because of 'dust bunnies'?!! Look it up it's a term, to describe what I'm not doing a great job of describing: that hate causes wars, full stop. 

Qui n'avance pas, recule. 

What are the cre***ns doing over in Welly, in NZ at the moment, too?

I went to my Diversity & Inclusion board meeting last night. What a sheer joyous rejuvenating thing to do: to listen, to share ideas on the things that can be discussed. Thank you Louis Theroux for publishing documentaries to reveal parallel cultures outdated, outmoded. Thanks for standing up to racism on a hopefully increasingly, decreasing micro-domestic level. Boundaries within boundaries. Must be overcome, somehow. What better way with investigative journalism? You are never at a loss for words, and it gives the wordless hope a brighter future. 

Back to Wellington then. Where are your New Zealand values? Your moral code of ethics. Part of the wider political global landscape there; you're in danger of putting Aotearoa on the map as a backwards, backwater country(again). Did we not weather the Key: invert, roundtable, closed sect-economics together? New Zealand's values are based on our indigenous and mixed cultural heritage: mana, loyalty, tolerance, open mindedness, peacefulness. This small group of anti-vaxers are making a mockery, are literally running a mock: getting mokopuna to stand in front of adults. Shameful behaviour! Get to work. No jobs? Generate some work. Get a hobby, stop wasting time. 

When one of the worlds circles of top documentary and news publications chooses to put you in 'spotlight', puts you on front cover, then it's time to reprint, blog, reproduce resistance to such non-sense. 

Make love, not war. Or if you've found yourself alone, as sadly so, so many people have through the pandemic. Reach out online. There is now a myriad of available publicly used websites. Citizens Advice bureau is one. There at the top. Front page. Also under Health & Wellbeing. Putting women and children first and the rights of. Is not rocket science NZ. 

Namaste, you're welcome, keep reading...


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