A New Iyengar Yoga Blog

Winter arrived fully clad. Bedecked and bejewelled here in snowy north London. The other day a flurry of snowflakes fell softly to the ground and people had to navigate the ice patches on the road. Watch those knees and joints! We can all feel the effects of these seasonal changes so it's best to stay mindful of your body and its needs.

A couple of good asana to try at home when you couped up away from the Yoga studio are: Malasana, for no reason other than it means 'garland' and is great for balance. Good for this timely new year self-assessing, self control.

The top tips I can give you for this are : imagine you have a small squidgy ball inside your tummy and, as you energise and lean into the pose, squeeze the ball gently and gradually. Never work to harden and remember to breathe...

Good luck... more again très soon!

Do not aim low, you will miss the mark. Aim high and you will be in a threshold of bliss - B.K.S Iyengar 


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