Foundations For Living

Walking is very good for you. For example I could tell you facts like : Walking helps you maintain a healthy weight. Walking helps prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Walking strengthens your bones and muscles. Walking definitely improves your mood. It is scientifically proven to improve your balance and coordination.

But I'm not going to tell you all those things because that would not really be Yoga. Yoga, one could say, is walking, running, meditating all these things. Yoga is walking and we can benefit from both and everything that a great walk in the fresh air and the open countryside gives you. Yoga gives back too!

Not a day goes by when I don't ponder what "Yamas and Niyamas" are, after sitting my Iyengar Yoga course, studying and writing essays on this Yogic subject the words got stuck in the brain somewhere. I knew that over time these ethical guidelines or foundations of living would reveal themselves. So here we are creating a Yoga blog, walking, talking and discovering more...

'We are missing the gold if we do asanas as a physical practise only'.  Geeta Iyengar


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