Spiritual Sunday

I may have missed out on an Opera role. I don't know, they never replied. I feel though somehow lighter and relieved of the burden. Such heavy themes in Opera can sometimes deeply effect the performer and well maybe the time is just not right for me to sing the part of drastic romantic story of tuberculosis and death.

SingingTreeYoga has more Yogic sights ahead. And today, isn't this always the way I was handed some beautiful new music to learn. An original chapel piece. So 'what goes up must come down' and visa versa.

February is showing some learning curves, that of patience. I am impatient and find it tricky to control that feeling. But this modern world supplies us with all our needs - for I found a fantastic new mindfulness app. It's called Headspace and it helps me observe the thoughts, not fight or try to control them and hopefully will improve the sleep. That is all for today, it being Sunday 😊

'Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul creates the symphony of life.' B.K.S. Iyengar


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