Never Give Up

Running to catch a coffee in Highgate Village I'm reminded as groups of women talk about their YOGA session. Yes, GROUPS of women now sit and talk about their Yoga classes together. It's brilliant how connected the practise of doing a class makes you feel in your community. So someone says 'but doing Yoga makes me feel really stressed out'. Wow. That is not the objective of Iyengar Yoga.

We use multiple props to bring people back into their bodies, to soften in places you normally cannot reach. The props help and support. They offer an external surface for you to experiment and feel any tension LEAVE the body. Please never give up and do try lots of different sorts of Yoga. I do know myself and how I especially enjoy Guruju's Iyengar Yoga - because of it's firm structure because it offers stability and repetition. Even though there is a never ending amount of asana and variations to explore. Repetition for muscles and bone, ligaments and nervous system does create stability and strength.

Never Give Up!

'Forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again right now'    unknown


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