Calm The Mind

Today I've been thinking about garnering knowledge, to expand ones’ horizons. It's always the acceptance of the new that eases the journey. It’s been a whole four months of SingingTreeYoga! I’m enjoying and admiring just how many of you out there LOVE Yoga.
The end of January sees the trees starting to have their annual make-over. When I take a walk, I like to look-up at them, admire their plumage so to speak. Ha ah! Looking up is important; if you start to feel the effects of seasons change. Supported sitting asana / poses can help calm the mind, but don’t forget to change your eyes’ gaze as a way to temper your own thoughts and mood. Look towards a horizon, look inward keep the gaze passive.
"Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you… so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ~Unknown


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