Yoga Yoga Yoga Iyengar Yoga

In this blog you I will attempt to take you on a journey of connectedness, on a search for inner harmony and happiness. There will be little in way of instructional teaching as I believe when you start your relationship with Yoga it grows exponentially with you. Bringing happiness, independence and contentedness to your life. Maybe I will throw in an asana here and there, but only by way of my own development with Yoga.

I have been practising Yoga for near on fifteen years, my guru is/was my Contemporary Dance teacher Melodie. I did Ballet and Contemporary dance when I was 13 with Melodie and through yoga she has given me such strength and rewards that I apply directly to that other classical Art form Opera. So partically I wanted to start this blog to give-back something, a little of what DOING Yoga has done for me. It's the wheel in the cog when things don't go right and in the Arts believe me, things do not always go smoothly.

So this blog may not be visceral and physical but insightful and personal so that you, the reader, can grow and blosssom alongside...

'Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.' B.K.S. Iyengar


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