Gifts For You - On Their Way

Here in the SingingTreeYoga factory of invention we have inventions underway. I am in the process of being the maker of my own dreams 😊And there are hints in the Yoga world already of better things to come...

How about taking a break in the middle of your furiously busy year in a place of protected natural beauty. And being provided a means to RELAX. With a practise like Iyengar Yoga you don't need Herby pillows or a bed that elevates your legs 30% in the air, or even long spritzing in a spas (although that pampering sounds nice). With an Iyengar Yoga instructor on hand, adjusting and moving your body into a decent asana. You are lucky because then 100% relaxation is achieved with only 10 - 20% effort.

Shake those office high heels off and get yourself to a Ashram the home of the Indian tradition. Here's a nice article from The Guardian about the Top  10 India Retreats

Having travelled in India and having half an Indian family from Hyderabad and Karachi respectively, I would advise preparing oneself for the country and looking at amazing things India is contributing to the world in terms of Sustainability, technology and social development. And go with an open heart and open mind.

'We are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds... '


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