Taking Back Control - Thoughts
It's hard to stay fit and healthy in a metropolitan city, such as London. We are assailed by advertising everywhere. It's on the screen at the gym, it's on your phone in your hand, it's on the computer screen at work, it surrounds the pavements that we walk along. So avert your eyes. Once you start to train your mind to look away, to not buy into it, then with practise it becomes easier.
If losing some weight and getting fitter is your goal before Summer starts then this what you should do: Less time wasted in advertising land and more time for yourself. Start that 10 minutes stretching every day. Find an app that encourages you. Schedule the exercise into your daily schedule. Starting a routine is the easy bit, it's the continuum that is tricky to master.
I guarantee doing Yoga helps you master this skill. If you can be present in your body you will be able to notice your own thoughts and what those thoughts are attached to - for some: stories about the past, the future, fear, control, unworthiness and other issues that you may be holding onto. Yoga is a great way to help process thoughts. Letting them go, float up into space...
For me this morning at the gym it was averting my eyes from toffee and chocolate on TV. Not things I am usually tempted by...wow, advertising is very powerful. I did not succumb and so felt good to have conquered those thoughts 😊
Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action. B.K.S Iyengar
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