Africa And Back

Here's a Pappa meditation. My Dad cut cane in Africa in the 60's and was a working photojournalist for the majority of his career.

Here's an online meditation that I'm sending to him via these tech airwaves.

'Imagine; you stand looking at a swirling ocean. You've come a long way to get here, crossing by treacherous boat rides to the far reaches of the earth, quids in at £10 bob a fare! And the vast Indian Ocean in all it's bounty lies before you. What will you do, what are you thinking? 

Take the time to imbibe... for this is a memory that will lift your future. Give you the ability to transcend what is around you. Chaos, war and cruelty can never shut down memories built from brave adventures. Now the sea offers up it's soothing balm to your hands sore from working, cutting down sugar cane, your back starting to be pitted with built-up grime and dirt. The salt will cure. The buoyancy and beauty of your surroundings gives a moments paradise. 

This is what we learn. To be selfless, to share our memories so that others may enjoy and learn from your history. Breath in and remember this scene, iconic, a vast medicinal vista'.




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