Shuck The Critique

Yoga today is a quick 15minute cycle. Starting with legs up the wall in Viparita Karani followed by some standing asana Prasarita Padottanasana, Utthita Trikonasana and a long supported four minute Uttanasana. Stack the bricks one on top on the other and balance a soft cushion on top, then rest the top of the head on the soft surface. Mm...nice and relaxing and it's a good routine for the soul. You feel ready to face the world today.

Reading the latest releases in Children's books in The Guardian, I've gained some insight into their world. Teenage girls are taught to fear either food or fitness in this world. With the pressures for success today and the overwhelming exposure to bad news it's important to stay connected and to talk through the issues.

Keep talking, keep active and get involved, immersed in fitness, exercise, food, nutrition, cooking, sharing that experience together, as mothers and daughters it can have a very lasting and positive outcome. Passing on the knowledge is key. Read challenging articles with glee, knowing it's one perspective and you are aloud to disagree. Staying objective in a world that is cram packed full of opinions is really difficult.

Communication is truth; communication is happiness. To share is our duty to go down boldly and bring to light those hidden thoughts which are most diseased; to conceal nothing; to pretend nothing; if we are ignorant to say so; if we love our friends to let them know it." Virginia Woolf


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