The Best Sleep

Imagine an expansive Oak floor with an open fireplace and a large wooden Kitchen table for everyone to sit at and chat together. You no longer have to imagine a spectacular view of the English countryside, it's outside your window.

Now think of how it feels after a day of Yoga, Meditation (staring at the rambling remains of a mote and castle) and forest walks. After the day of healthy salads and vegetables,  locally organic farmed produce and fresh fruit and it feels to snuggle into your warm bed.

Retreats around England can be luxurious. We are spoilt for historic scenery, canal-side walks, craggy romantic cliffs and pubs to sample new craft beers galore in.

Check out this website that lists UK luxury Yoga Retreats Posh Yoga Retreats

'Some people will only love you if you fit inside their box. Don't be afraid to disappoint.'  Tiny Buddha


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