Massive Wildlife In Kernow
Are you having difficulty accessing your motivation? Everyone deserves a break now and then and a break or short holiday can help refuel, find energy and re -motivate you with your projects and passions.
Here's a pic of Trebah Garden's the private seashore there. It's on the Helford peninsula and when my Dad was setting up the Cornwall boat show and Mather starting adult education in the area, we, with family and friends used to go cockling and swimming there. It's stunningly beautiful and tranquil.
Even as I approached West Penwith in the early evening there was more wildlife and wildflowers; Bluebells galore, Pink Campion, Buttercups, Kidney Vetch, Primroses........I spotted a young deer. It jumped out of the hedgerow in front of my car and then stopped in the road.
And the garden filled with funny woodpeckers, hard at work this time of the year!
So the perfect re-jig to get the enthusiasm going for it all again. Namaste. Here's a quote from the book I'm reading 'The Hidden Life Of Trees' by Peter Wohlleben
'A chain is only as strong as its weakest link' old crafts person's saying.
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