
Showing posts from August, 2018

More Balance. Be The Mountain

I hope you find some inspiration reading the SingingTreeYoga blog. I can through lifes' experiences encourage you to unwind to try and be present in the world. To have a quality of mindfulness in your conversations and actions. Become better at communication and relationships. Be closer and more thoughtful when forming new relationships. It's so difficult to construct ourselves in this way in this world. With that floating island of plastic in the Pacific and all the chaos around us.  Yoga and meditation, done for 10 minutes at some point in your day can relieve you of stress. Even better if you can do it with the people in your life. So that the 'wins' and 'Aha' moments can be shared. We are all learning from each other collectively we gain insight and knowledge of how to heal the hurt.  The mind is everything. What you think, you become .                                    ...

Have You Tried A New Hobby Today?

Welcome to SingingTreeYoga. Here's where you will find exciting tips and insight on how to do / attend / join Yoga classes or Retreats. I often get asked question's like: How long should I wait before eating after a Yoga practise? What shall I wear? Why do my muscles ache more the day after? And on this website I'll try my very best to answer them. I recently found a Yoga picture that made me want to write about a particular topic, Beer. You guessed it, I spotted a Yoga Retreat that promoted beer drinking alongside a practise. Here's an non-judgemental, objective to that practise in the form of a few nice facts about beer: In moderation beer can reduce your risk of heart disease; especially dark ales and stouts. It increases your B Vitamins and can give you stronger bones. So if you are fit, have a fast metabolism and like a swift-flow yoga class then best stay legal and suit yourself with these practises. Here's a nice factoid, drinking beer can reduc...