A 'How To' Approach to Chakras
Here's a straight forward blog about Chakras, the differences, the colours pertained to them and their use in Yoga.
Look at the etymology of chakras ==>CLICKHERE<== if you like then read on:
There are 7 'main' chakras arranged along the spine from the bottom to the top;
1. Muladhara 2. Svadhisthana 3. Nabhi-Manipura 4. Anahata 5. Vishuddhi 6. Ajna 7. Sahasrara
In Iyengar Yoga we refer to them in practise and also with meditation. Giving a great sense of wellness and holistic application to meditation.
1. Muladhara RED means 'root support' originates at the base of our spine and governs down through the bottom of our feet. Breath deeply here, we wash away impurities and strengthen our sense of stability and groundedness in our lives.
2. Svadhisthasana ORANGE 'Sacral Chakra' below the navel and small of the back. Translated means 'one's home' 'loveliness' or 'sweetness'. Heal sexual woundedness, cultivate natural sensuality, creativity and enthusiasm for life itself. This chakra is the wellspring of vitality.
3. Nabhi-Manipura YELLOW Manipura translated as 'place of jewels'. Instead of overusing our will and will power by pushing ourselves and others around, we can learn to breath in the yellow light of the sun to remind ourselves to release the will and willfulness. Breathing to access a graceful source of power and allow our destiny to manifest easily instead of rushing chaotically.
4. Anahata GREEN Means 'whole' or 'unbroken' The colour of nature - peacefulness, growth and verdant abundance. By breathing into our heart centre we can heal all brokenness, bitterness and loneliness. We can even regrow our innocence here.
5. Vishuddhi sky- BLUE means 'pure' so as we breath into this chakra, we purify our lives. The throat chakra is used in many forms of meditation as focus on breath. The passageway from the central body to the head our throat chakra brings us into honesty as well as authenticity. Vishuddha is the hall of purified communication.
6. Ajna night-sky BLUE-VIOLET Often called the Third Eye is located on the forehead and between the eyebrows. Ajna means 'knowing' or 'perception'. Imagination and empathy are married in this chakra, showing us the real meaning of insight. Intuition and wisdom emerge when when we allow our third eye to open. By breathing love and light into Ajna, we activate an ability to perceive the inner workings of other humans, nonhuman animals, plants and the material world.
7. Sahasrara LAVENDER or WHITE LIGHT The Crown Chakra, located slightly above the Crown of the head. Translated means 'thousand-petalled'. 'Thousand' traditionally is the number of infinity ; so this chakra refers to our Infinite Nature. We can clear our sense of confusion and awaken our awareness of what is sometime called 'enlightenment', 'cosmic consciousness' or 'knowledge of god'. The cleansing of our crown chakra brings a profound experience of serenity and bliss.
'Through sustained focus and meditation on our patterns, habits and conditioning, we gain knowledge and understanding of our past and how we can change the patterns that aren't serving us to live more freely and fully'
Yoga Sutra 111.18
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