Who Knew Easy Could Be This Good

My experience with exercise and food and vocation- eat healthily, eat wise.

Do you go swimming after eating a full meal, maybe...it's good not to get fixated on digestion is my simple answer.

Eating habits - forming good eating habits

It's good to watch the latest instalment of Hugh Fernley Whittingstall's Britain's Fat Fight. Inviting marketing gurus' that give insight into things we probably well know already. Such as fast food chains advertising at crucial times of the day - such as family around the table- meal times. The endless advertising in supermarkets and tempting littlen's to packaged stuff.

This must make shopping for parents no fun at all!

So eat wholefoods, eat wise and exercise - invite exercise in generous amounts with vitality and spirit.

Happiness does not rely on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think. 


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