Relinquish Control

Did you manage to do your own 10-15minutes yoga and stretching this week? Good work! Well done!

Yoga can really be the backbone to a full career in whatever it is you are most passionate about, whatever you love the most. Here at Yoga is where you can explore the change in your lifestyle, the flux that people go through these days in between jobs, changing career paths and let's face it today's stresses and strains require that we stay so very flexible.

So I give you permission to step back in time, tell the boss you quit or whatever and... as they used to say on the 60's Morocco hippie trail, after the beatniks, the 'overland', go find yourself! 

My fault,  my failure, is not the passions I have but in my lack of control of them.
                                                                                                   Jack Kerouac 


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