Yoga For The People Seattle

So lately I've been toying with the idea of Big City Noise Pollution. Sounds like a song Bjork would write. Anyway. The accumulative obsession humans have with building things means that in the more populated cities one finds oneself utterly distracted by sound.

Sounds of hammering, even more disturbing; 'Hammer Drills' heard of them?

You might be thinking: what has this to do with Yoga. Well let me tell you Sadiq Khan.... or really I should be pointing finger at Boris Johnson, if you had incorporated ISO 20121 that provides resources to the best Event Sustainability Management System, improving the sustainability of events across the city as this standard was being developed (2012 Olympic Games, remember that London growth spurt) we might have a more harmonious and happy city.

This standard saves an organisation money and time. I know, I researched and utilised it as the practical component of my Masters. It puts the powers that be in touch with the lil'guy, the PEOPLE and we all know cities are about people.

So here in lies the Yoga link. It's about people and how they feel what happens when governments chose to spend money and resources on buying more war arms and 'Social Protection' a suspicious sounding Government Department frankly.... and spend less, nay, withdraw funds from Social Services, Housing, Environment and yes... the Creative Industries. So Now in Seattle at the Frye Museum people choosing to do Yoga to 'Industrial Sludge' experimental noise community. Read article ==>CLICKHERE<==

Hm... not really my thing, but an interesting take.


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