
Showing posts from September, 2018

Free Yoga Cheat Sheets by SingingTreeYoga

Lovely reader! If you've been following this blog and not opting-in then you are really missing out. If you give me you name and email I'll instantly give you a free Yoga class. And a series of cheat sheets - to follow and get into your own Yoga practise. It's totally here and available to you now - so stop swiping the opt-in box away πŸ˜†And sign in to discover the full world of SingingTreeYoga. Who knows where it will lead, my creative factory of inventions is limitless and with 18 years of experience in the Creative Industries I want to grow this brand firstly to help the NHS deal with Childhood obesity in Harringey (North London) and then offer you the reader ultimate experiences at Yoga retreats and treats. Incorporate travel, meeting new people and learning a new skill as you holiday. Thousands of candles can be lit by a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.             ...

A 'How To' Approach to Chakras

Here's a straight forward blog about Chakras, the differences, the colours pertained to them and their use in Yoga. Look at the etymology of chakras ==>CLICKHERE<==  if you like then read on: There are 7 'main' chakras arranged along the spine from the bottom to the top; 1. Muladhara  2. Svadhisthana 3. Nabhi-Manipura  4. Anahata 5. Vishuddhi 6. Ajna 7. Sahasrara In Iyengar Yoga we refer to them in practise and also with meditation. Giving a great sense of wellness and holistic application to meditation. 1. Muladhara RED means 'root support' originates at the base of our spine and governs down through the bottom of our feet. Breath deeply here, we wash away impurities and strengthen our sense of stability and groundedness in our lives. 2. Svadhisthasana ORANGE  'Sacral Chakra' below the navel and small of the back. Translated means 'one's home' 'loveliness' or 'sweetness'. Heal sexual woundedness, cultivate na...

5 Hamstring Fixes

I suppose the style of Yoga you do offers so much or so little complexity to your life. If like me you thrive on being busy and inspired then possibly Iyengar Yoga is the choice of yoga for you too. Anyhow this latest Blog is a quick heads-up to anyone struggling with tight hamstrings in their practise. These 5 Asana can be practised as a whole sequence or individually to get the benefits: Uttanasana (forward bending pose) Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose) Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-legged forward fold) Pachimottanasana (Seated forward bend)  Supta Padanguthasana (Reclining hand-to-big-toe pose).  The last asana of this group especially targets the hamstrings - and in Iyengar we use straps so it's easy to access or 'get into' this one. Also a SingingTreeYoga top tip if you are suffering with tightness in the legs is to afterwards soak in a hot bath with natural Epsom Salts - bliss! Enjoy 😊

Who Knew Easy Could Be This Good

My experience with exercise and food and vocation- eat healthily, eat wise. Do you go swimming after eating a full meal,'s good not to get fixated on digestion is my simple answer. Eating habits - forming good eating habits It's good to watch the latest instalment of Hugh Fernley Whittingstall's Britain's Fat Fight. Inviting marketing gurus' that give insight into things we probably well know already. Such as fast food chains advertising at crucial times of the day - such as family around the table- meal times. The endless advertising in supermarkets and tempting littlen's to packaged stuff. This must make shopping for parents no fun at all! So eat wholefoods, eat wise and exercise - invite exercise in generous amounts with vitality and spirit. Happiness does not rely on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think.                                    ...