
Showing posts from April, 2018

A Tagine A Day.....

Have you ever had a better take away service. Didn't think so. My last evening in Marrakesh was spent drooling over a home cooked Tagine served in the standard iconic brown pottery dish. But this was no ordinary cuisine experience, no, the lovely guy who made the Tagine delivered it by hand to the door of my apartment. The cafe / restaurant was just around the corner.... but still, what hospitality. Ah! Morocco I will never forget the other worldliness of it. I wish to be back there now. Especially as the weather has packed in, in Blighty right now. I was going to share a recipe from the amazing Moroccan Cooking Book I found, in French, at the Yves Saint Laurent Museum. But sadly I just did not have room to bring it back. So here's a link to a delicious Nigel Slater recipe instead! I hope you enjoy this tagine as much as I did and that you can as the quote says savour the experience! 😉 ' Food reveals our connection with the earth..

Your Free Morocco

It's so beautiful here in Marrakesh. Words can hardly describe what I am seeing. The sunsets, stunning. The sounds multiple and overwhelming. Last night under my bedroom window were donkeys braying, students laughing, people praying, nightclubs buzzing... life in all it's jumble of assortment, going on around me. I walked to the Yves Saint Laurent Museum. A must for any visitor. He took this city into his heart and donated this amazing museum, with a beautiful peaceful cafe area and tranquil Majorelle Gardens to explore. Just the books in that place alone, are enough to warrant a book buying holiday. My taste buds are equalised as fresh fruit and juices are sold everywhere. So while I get acclimatized I can hydrate on health! (More on the food in Marrakesh to come). Wow, a trip into the Medina today we wander through the markets, and yes, here I sample some local craft women's Mendi skills - for a song my hands are adorned with beautiful original patterns. I saw

An Eastern Voyage

Today I want to share with you an article that's just been published in NZ Yoga Scene. It's a great magazine with lots of interesting articles and Yoga related activities. While in India I explored the local and blossoming business of Henna hand painting. In India at my brother's wedding they go a little further than just hands as you will read.....                    CLICK HERE I hope you enjoy this - it was a few years ago now. The wonderful thing about reflection is you can see how far you've come. This article is a little naive, however it is stacked full of interesting phrases that I wouldn't these days be so brave to write. So perhaps that's the lesson, that I can take the brave, younger perception of the world forward with this new Yoga business. The photo's are my own, we didn't have space to include the day trip to the ocean that we made on my birthday to release 50 baby turtles into the water. It was thrilling. The whole month and

Shuck The Critique

Yoga today is a quick 15minute cycle. Starting with legs up the wall in Viparita Karani followed by some standing asana Prasarita Padottanasana, Utthita Trikonasana and a long supported four minute Uttanasana. Stack the bricks one on top on the other and balance a soft cushion on top, then rest the top of the head on the soft surface. Mm...nice and relaxing and it's a good routine for the soul. You feel ready to face the world today. Reading the latest releases in Children's books in The Guardian, I've gained some insight into their world. Teenage girls are taught to fear either food or fitness in this world. With the pressures for success today and the overwhelming exposure to bad news it's important to stay connected and to talk through the issues. Keep talking, keep active and get involved, immersed in fitness, exercise, food, nutrition, cooking, sharing that experience together, as mothers and daughters it can have a very lasting and positive outcome. Passi

Treat Yourself - Yoga Retreat

Have you got your Spring / Summer Yoga Retreats organised? Click Here ==>  YOGA RETREAT IN DEVON U.K.   <== Click this link above, to book your tickets today! Come and join us here is this incredible Dartmoor Landscape. On the 25th May I'm hosting a Yoga Retreat alongside new friends and colleagues Kish Modasia and Amy Adams at High Heathercombe Centre. Join us for three days and two nights tucked into the Dartmoor moors, surrounded by bluebell woodlands. We will relax and rejuvenate in it's natural surrounds with Yoga, Meditation, Organic Healthy & locally sourced Cuisine, Moor walk to Grimspound (an ancient Stone Age settlement with fantastic views). High Heathercombe boasts the highest forest garden in the U.K. In the surrounding area is Horse Riding, Rock Climbing with many different groups visiting the moors to enjoy the historic spot. For this is where the famous Sherlock Holmes - Hound Of The Baskervilles was set. There's all sorts of Eco eve

Africa And Back

Here's a Pappa meditation. My Dad cut cane in Africa in the 60's and was a working photojournalist for the majority of his career. Here's an online meditation that I'm sending to him via these tech airwaves. 'Imagine; you stand looking at a swirling ocean. You've come a long way to get here, crossing by treacherous boat rides to the far reaches of the earth, quids in at £10 bob a fare! And the vast Indian Ocean in all it's bounty lies before you. What will you do, what are you thinking?  Take the time to imbibe... for this is a memory that will lift your future. Give you the ability to transcend what is around you. Chaos, war and cruelty can never shut down memories built from brave adventures. Now the sea offers up it's soothing balm to your hands sore from working, cutting down sugar cane, your back starting to be pitted with built-up grime and dirt. The salt will cure. The buoyancy and beauty of your surroundings gives a moments paradise. 

The Best Sleep

Imagine an expansive Oak floor with an open fireplace and a large wooden Kitchen table for everyone to sit at and chat together. You no longer have to imagine a spectacular view of the English countryside, it's outside your window. Now think of how it feels after a day of Yoga, Meditation (staring at the rambling remains of a mote and castle) and forest walks. After the day of healthy salads and vegetables,  locally organic farmed produce and fresh fruit and it feels to snuggle into your warm bed. Retreats around England can be luxurious. We are spoilt for historic scenery, canal-side walks, craggy romantic cliffs and pubs to sample new craft beers galore in. Check out this website that lists UK luxury Yoga Retreats  Posh Yoga Retreats ' Some people will only love you if you fit inside their box. Don't be afraid to disappoint.'    Tiny Buddha